In the bustling streets of New York City’s Chinese neighborhoods, two girls found themselves on a journey to reconnect with their heritage, going from store to store to learn the Fuzhou dialect from local shop owners. The two childhood friends, Shuyu Fang, 28, and Qixin Zhang, 31, created the “Fuzhou Sisters” Instagram account in September […]
Struggling Between States: How Low-Income Students Lose Medicaid While Attending College Out of State
Medicaid is a federal and state program that assists low-income individuals and families to cover medical expenses. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, nearly 7 million people are enrolled in the New York State Medicaid, and one out of four adults ages 19-64 are Medicaid members. Ironically, there’s a particular group of individuals that has […]
How These Second-Generation Asian Americans Are Revitalizing Chinatown
Despite its robust history spanning over a century, Chinatown faces ongoing sustainability struggles as store owners age. According to a 2023 report by NYC Small Business Services, created in collaboration with Chinatown BID and Think!Chinatown, Chinatown storefront vacancy rate reached 21.4% from 2021 to 2022, surpassing the citywide average of 13% in 2021. But these […]