In the bustling streets of New York City’s Chinese neighborhoods, two girls found themselves on a journey to reconnect with their heritage, going from store to store to learn the Fuzhou dialect from local shop owners. The two childhood friends, Shuyu Fang, 28, and Qixin Zhang, 31, created the “Fuzhou Sisters” Instagram account in September […]
Arts & Culture
Punk’s Not Dead: Bad Nerves’ Debut Album Review
If the underground punk scene is a dormant volcano, the Bad Nerves is the equivalent of a spontaneous eruption whose explosive melodies awaken its slumber. Hailing from Essex, the five-piece band released a self-titled debut album that launches twelve tracks of high-energy quickies into your ear drums with a fiery passion. This deliciously messy platter […]
Doing It All for Laughs, But Make It Girly: Jenny Gorelick on her Burgeoning Comedy Career
You might recognize her from Comedy Central skits on YouTube, Hatched NYC skits, or from Late Night with Seth Meyers. She is a five-foot brunette with big eyes and native appearance, but you wouldn’t expect what comes out of her mouth. It’s wit that bites — in a girly way. It’s Saturday afternoon in cold […]
A Viral YouTube Video Set My Career on Fire
Story by Shea Vaughan-Gabor As told to Alessia Girardin “Someone who says what’s on their mind.” That’s the best way to describe Shea Vaughan- Gabor, and it’s what attracted agents at a Samsung event to approach her, thanks to a viral YouTube video she posted in high school. Vaughan-Gabor has an edgy style — wearing […]
“Fashion has always been our future”: Fashion industry leaders show up for democracy ahead of New York Fashion Week
In honor of the beginning of New York Fashion Week, more than 1,000 of the fashion industry’s most prominent figures, from models to designers to editors, gathered in the streets of Midtown Manhattan to march for a bigger, more democratic cause. The “Fashion For Our Future” march took place on the morning of Friday, September […]
How These Second-Generation Asian Americans Are Revitalizing Chinatown
Despite its robust history spanning over a century, Chinatown faces ongoing sustainability struggles as store owners age. According to a 2023 report by NYC Small Business Services, created in collaboration with Chinatown BID and Think!Chinatown, Chinatown storefront vacancy rate reached 21.4% from 2021 to 2022, surpassing the citywide average of 13% in 2021. But these […]
Ezras Nashim’s Chief Operating Officer on personal life, work and balancing it all
It was a gloomy Friday in April and, for the first time, I entered the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn. I was dressed in typical journalist fashion, wearing black trousers, a modest top and brown blazer — a contrast to the traditional garments worn in this tight-knit ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. I was there to meet […]
Cartwheels on the Catwalk: Olive Louise Jenkins and Their Fashion Line, “2theFuture”
American fashion designer Betsy Johnson is known for her cartwheels ending with splits on the catwalk — something that Olive Louise Jenkins is not far from achieving as well. Olive Louise Jenkins is a fashion designer and student by day, and circus member by night. The 22-year-old is promoting and growing their clothing brand, 2theFuture, […]
Brothers in Arms
This short documentary explores the bonds of three sets of friends across different generations. It delves into their challenges expressing intimacy in a world that often doesn’t understand them. Through candid interviews and heartfelt moments, the film showcases the enduring power of friendship, and the resilience of these relationships amidst societal pressures.
How Thrifting Could Save the World
Two girls giggle by a clothes rack that reads “Women’s long sleeves,” clothes draped across their arms as they weave through shelves of semi-worn garments. A schoolgirl with a bulky book bag peeks over at the tattered record section while waiting in line for the fitting room. A guy convinces his friend to buy the […]