This short documentary explores the bonds of three sets of friends across different generations. It delves into their challenges expressing intimacy in a world that often doesn’t understand them. Through candid interviews and heartfelt moments, the film showcases the enduring power of friendship, and the resilience of these relationships amidst societal pressures.
How Thrifting Could Save the World
Two girls giggle by a clothes rack that reads “Women’s long sleeves,” clothes draped across their arms as they weave through shelves of semi-worn garments. A schoolgirl with a bulky book bag peeks over at the tattered record section while waiting in line for the fitting room. A guy convinces his friend to buy the […]
Turn Up the Jukebox! Why We’ve Turned Back Time on Music
Picture this: you’re at a party, a single disco ball hangs from the ceiling, and strobes of blue and purple lights illuminate the dance floor. The DJ’s turntables sit on the elevated stage, above it a neon sign that reads “Follow the call of the disco ball.” The room fills with over 200 people dressed […]
Making Order From the Chaos of the World – Helene Stapinski’s Journey as a Writer
It was the early 1990s. Helene was at an Italian street festival with her mother in her hometown, Jersey City. They were in line to order some food with one man waiting before them. Then, the worker at the counter looked Helene in the eyes and asked her what she’d like. “I think that guy […]
Dancing into the Year of the Dragon
New York University sophomore Megan Nguyen lets out a delighted gasp as she locks eyes with a seven foot purple creature made up of layers of patterned fabrics, embellished with sequins and fur, bouncing its huge head up, down and side-to-side. A circle of onlookers brandish their phones and let out astonished giggles as the […]
Aspiring Author – Nandini Gupta
Nandini Gupta, whose path to publishing began at an early age, has already penned two captivating novels by the tender age of 21. The budding literary sensation is currently enriching her creative prowess as a student at New York University. Gupta’s novels, celebrated for their intricate plots, reflect a maturity and insight well beyond her […]
The Conversationalist – Meet Sophie Beren
How the social media platform The Conversationalist is changing the tenor of online discussion. Founder Sophie Beren talks about why it’s important to have real conversations with real people.
What They’re Buying at Buffalo Exchange
Young thrift shop enthusiasts enjoy spending their afternoons at Buffalo Exchange to support sustainable, low-cost fashion, and be a part of the hunting process. The first time you step into Buffalo Exchange on Broadway Avenue in Manhattan, you are welcomed by the sound of pop music and young, hip people. Colorful, vintage garments fill the […]
“Veselka: The Rainbow On The Corner at the Center Of The World” is a New Documentary About the Choices One Makes When the World is Collapsing
Veselka. It’s the Ukrainian restaurant on the corner of Ninth and Second Avenue – the one with sunflowers imprinted on the pavement leading up to its door and the unending line of people huddled under the glass window decals (which read, “OUR HEARTS BEAT FOR UKRAINE,” “VESELKA IS LOVE,” and “PEACE TODAY, PIEROGI TOMORROW”). Its […]
A Prayer for Magdalena, and Our Block: This is not a journey to the Balkans. But Astoria is the next-best-thing.
We are playing “the Balkan game.” It’s 7 p.m. and Selo has Oliver Dragojević on, musical hero of the Balkans, while bottles of moonshine rakija clink as they pour. And yet, the restaurant Selo is quiet enough that our presence in Astoria, Queens, is, with a few stares, decidedly announced. My friend Šime Luznik, a […]