by Celia Tewey Hear from models about the fashion world and the pressures within. New modeling agencies aim to diversify and broaden ideas of what models should and could be.
Arts & Culture
Promotors, DJs Leaving New York As Nightclubs Remain Closed One Year Later
The city that never sleeps has been sleeping for over a year, and for the thousands with jobs tied to the New York nightclub industry not much has changed since last March. From promoters to DJs to bartenders, nightclub workers have been left jobless for over a year through the health pandemic caused by Covid-19. […]
Holy Cow: CowParade returns to NYC for first time in 21 years
The world’s largest public art event is back in New York City and, as always, it’s brought cows along with it. This year’s post-Covid return of the annual CowParade fundraiser showcases 78 fiberglass cow sculptures. Scattered across all five boroughs from August 18 through September 30, 2021, the cows represent a slew of artists, companies […]
Independent Film Remains Resilient Despite Pandemic’s Challenges
COVID has impacted the film industry with delays, cancellations, and shutdowns in 2020. Still, the fall festival season went forward — with Venice Film Festival in-person, Toronto virtual and New York (NYFF) a mixture of drive-in and virtual. That means Eric Kohn, the executive editor and chief critic at IndieWire, is as busy as ever […]
The Best Efforts to Adapt Still Leave Festivals and Filmmakers in Limbo
Amelia Moses was excited to have her first movie, “Bleed With Me,” premiere at Fantasia Film Festival, a Montreal-based genre festival, in July. Moses and the crew, who live in Montreal, were going to reunite with the Toronto-based cast for a special celebration of their work. It took two years for the 27-year-old and her […]
Turkish Immigrant Restaurant Owners in New York and London
This short documentary is a manifestation of my interest in Turkish culture, immigration and food. The video aims to capture the stories and personalities of restaurant owners across the world.
Janet Kalish, Fighting Food Waste in NYC One Dumpster-Dive at a Time
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure… or groceries. About 3.9 million tons of New York food makes its way into landfills each year. Some people, like Janet Kalish, have made it their mission to fight food waste by scavenging through garbage left on the curb.
Julia Knox, the East Village Hatter Extraordinaire
When she was only six years old, Julia Knox started her own Barbie fashion company. Today, she’s still working in fashion and runs East Village Hats, a tiny store in NYC that does everything hat-related.
Dreadlocks in Buenos Aires: Fashion or Faith?
Nicolás Parodi speaks in a manner of brisk assurance, his voice bursting through the phone in a succession of crisp quips, despite the torrent of honks and footsteps emanating from the city he paces through. The clarity of his speech, a Castellano that is deep, smooth, and patient, in contrast to the city noise, is […]
Typewriter store continues to thrive in Gramercy
It might seem counterintuitive, but in this digital era, the owner of a nearly 100-year-old Manhattan typewriter store says his shop is “busier than ever.” Jay Schweitzer says that he and his team at The Gramercy Typewriter Company, founded in 1932, work seven days a week at their new West 17th Street location to […]