A transit of Mercury was visible today against the solar disks. Passersby on the streets of Manhattan were able to take a peek at the event thanks to amateur astronomers and their gears.
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I graduated from a “cult” school
Doraian Givens, a third year NYU student, shares her story of attending a “cult” high school – T.M. Landry.
FTP Emergency Action Against NYPD and MTA
Outraged New Yorkers protest in Brooklyn for the removal of the NYPD out of the MTA. The recent arrests of farebeaters have sparked much controversy. Advocates claim that punishing people fare evasion is criminalizing poverty, as most of the people arrested are Black or Hispanic.
Brain Space, the Beatbox-rap Duo
Conventional life may be getting in the way, but the beatbox-rap duo still perform together after all these years. One’s a corporate salesman, the other’s an educator. But on stage, they’re just a couple of best friends having fun.
Mass Protests Against NYPD and MTA Burst Out in Brooklyn
By Jing Feng Nearly 1,000 people marched through Downtown Brooklyn Against increased police brutality and surveillance in the subway system on November 1, 2019.
Chasing a Ghost: A Profile on the Elusive Carlos Alvarez Nazareno and the Invisibilized Afro Community in Buenos Aires
A conductor of sorts, Carlos Álvarez Nazareno in action is a sight to see. The manner in which he draws attention from a crowd is so skillful it can only be likened to that of a professional performer, yet so dispositional, the attention can’t help but be followed by respect. His way of speaking is […]
Dreadlocks in Buenos Aires: Fashion or Faith?
Nicolás Parodi speaks in a manner of brisk assurance, his voice bursting through the phone in a succession of crisp quips, despite the torrent of honks and footsteps emanating from the city he paces through. The clarity of his speech, a Castellano that is deep, smooth, and patient, in contrast to the city noise, is […]
Typewriter store continues to thrive in Gramercy
It might seem counterintuitive, but in this digital era, the owner of a nearly 100-year-old Manhattan typewriter store says his shop is “busier than ever.” Jay Schweitzer says that he and his team at The Gramercy Typewriter Company, founded in 1932, work seven days a week at their new West 17th Street location to […]
Yun Qu — a New York-based Chinese Fashion Designer
Yun shares her experience as a New York-based Chinese fashion designer and the inspiration for her current work.
Recent NYU Tisch grad thrives at New York Fashion Week
Matthew Krull, just graduated from NYU Tisch this May, walks us through one of his typical days at New York Fashion Week.