As he stepped onto the gym floor in a brown t-shirt, Coban Lookchaomaesaitong would not look like a five-time Muay Thai world champion to most. A broad smile creased his tanned features every other instant as he patiently instructed a beginner class about kicks. You could pass him in a downtown bodega and not notice […]
Post Archive
An Egyptian Ramadan in New Jersey – Post Trump
With rising Islamophobia and the threat of a travel ban, the struggles of daily life for Muslim Americans have also increased. Join a group of Egyptian-Americans as they celebrate ramadan, struggling to preserve their identity and traditions.
My Grandfather and I Like to Sit on the Patio
My grandfather and I like to sit on the patio. When I lived back in Costa Rica, we did so every Sunday. He enjoys reading “La Nación,” a conservative Costa Rican newspaper, while I would take “Revista Dominical,” a weekly supplement about culture. The silence was serene and every so often we would comment on […]
Young, Queer and Left Behind: A Community in Crisis
After decades of legal battles, gay and lesbian couples were granted the constitutional right to marry in all 50 states in June 2015; one year after that, a gunman opened fire on a gay nightclub in downtown Orlando, killing 49 people. Despite the tragedy in Orlando, members of the LGBTQ community enjoy more rights and public acceptance than ever […]
Come Party & Politicize
New York City is home to many DJs of color, including DJ Rekha, DJ Ushka, and DJ Yana Allpa. Hear what some DJs have to say about mixing night life with social justice.
TABu: The Next Best Way to Pay for Your Drink
If you find yourself in a sleek, black-glass modern bar, a quintessence of 21st century New York nightlife, you might sense a slight discrepancy in its aesthetics when it comes time to pay. Once the bartender lugs out the clunky index card box of credit cards, her frantic shuffling for your card, though warranted, interrupts […]
Trump: The First 100 Days
What do New Yorkers have to say about Donald Trump’s first months in office? NYU journalism’s Reporting: Multimedia hit the streets to find out.
Write To Matter
Inspired by some of their own students’ struggles with incarceration, two teachers from Teaneck, NJ started Write to Matter to help people returning from prison regain a sense of normalcy through art.
NYU Protests Donald Trump’s Election
On November 9th, while Donald Trump celebrated his first day as President-elect, thousands took to the streets to protest the election results. During the protest, NYU students and alumni shared their reactions to Trump’s election. Produced, shot, written and edited by Kirby Pate. All footage is either my own or used with permission from CNN […]
Muslim Students Rally to Oppose Travel Ban and Wall
By Ismail Ibrahim On Wednesday, February 1st the Muslim Students Association held a rally on the Kimmel steps to show solidarity for students affected by the travel ban, as well as those who oppose the president’s proposal to build a wall along the Mexican border. The student association brought in a diverse group of speakers, including […]