Same-sex acts between two consenting adults are illegal in 70 UN member states. In other countries, laws prohibit discussion of LGBTQ+ rights or leave LGBTQ+ people unprotected from discrimination and violence. It is difficult to gauge just how many LGBTQ+ identifying people live in these areas (note: a 2016 Gallup poll found that 4.1% of […]
Social Justice
Chasing a Ghost: A Profile on the Elusive Carlos Alvarez Nazareno and the Invisibilized Afro Community in Buenos Aires
A conductor of sorts, Carlos Álvarez Nazareno in action is a sight to see. The manner in which he draws attention from a crowd is so skillful it can only be likened to that of a professional performer, yet so dispositional, the attention can’t help but be followed by respect. His way of speaking is […]
Dreadlocks in Buenos Aires: Fashion or Faith?
Nicolás Parodi speaks in a manner of brisk assurance, his voice bursting through the phone in a succession of crisp quips, despite the torrent of honks and footsteps emanating from the city he paces through. The clarity of his speech, a Castellano that is deep, smooth, and patient, in contrast to the city noise, is […]