Sepehr Pirasteh is a Ph.D. candidate studying music composition at the Boyer College of Music and Dance at Temple University in North Philadelphia. Born in Shiraz, Iran, Pirasteh’s compositions draw on Persian classical and folk, along with contemporary classical music. He uses his work as a medium to express his concerns about the political and […]
Post Archive
Chinatown Manhattan: the voice of the locals
Throughout history, Chinese immigrants and Chinese enclaves (Chinatowns) have been perceived in different ways and through different lenses during different eras. Most reports by mainstream media cover Chinatown from the outside looking in. In the following videos, current residents in Manhattan’s Chinatown share their own perspectives on the different careers they found in New York […]
Competing for best costume at the Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade
This year marked the 32nd annual Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade. With over 25,000 spectators and participants from the city and beyond, the event has helped fund the Tompkins Square Dog Run since 1990. This year’s top judges’ picks ranged from Best Group Costume, Current Event Costume to Best Chihuahua Costume. Reported by Trevor with […]
A puppy in the city
Meet Emma Donelly-Higgins, a junior at the New School. She hates when people misspell her last name, loves Starbucks ice matcha lattes (with oat milk and two extra scoops of matcha), and recently got a puppy: Sybil, or Sybbie for short, a 10 week old mini golden doodle. Sybbie loves tearing up paper napkins, pees […]
Strangers Project shares stories in Washington Square Park that make you smile, cry or break your heart
Some days, if you walk past Washington Square Park, you’ll see a rack of papers with handwritten stories. Brandon Doman has been doing the Strangers Project for 13 years, gathering stories and sharing them with other strangers. With more than 65,000 anonymous tales, you can read about love, loss, joy or fear on the pages. […]
The NYPD vintage fleet: back on NYC streets for parade
The weather demanded nothing more than a lightweight jacket on the morning of Italian Heritage Day and Indigenous People’s Day (formerly Columbus Day) on October 10, 2022. The iconic parade was just about to begin, and the atmosphere was lively and festive on Fifth Avenue; bands played music, dancers rehearsed with props, and crowds waving […]
The modern-day romantic
Mitali Sapra is a junior at NYU, an avid matcha drinker, a big Bollywood fan, and a lover of all things romance, specifically romance books. She adores reading love stories. Who cares if they’re not her own? She once went through 21 books in a month. But how has this infatuation with romance books affected […]
Author Emi Nietfeld shows us that love is possible, even after hardship
At 17, Emi Nietfeld won an opportunity to excavate Roman ruins in England. A Minnesotan who had battled unstable housing because her hoarder mother could not maintain a livable home, she was excited to backpack through Europe and have a place to stay in hostels. But during her adventures in Budapest, her trip went from […]
‘Women, Life, Freedom’: New York rally held in solidarity for Iranian women’s rights
Chants of “Women, life, freedom!” and “Say her name, Mahsa Amini’ echoed throughout downtown Manhattan, as hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets in support of the ongoing women’s rights movement in Iran on Oct. 1. In this video, Niyoosha Ahmadikhoo, one of the rally organizers and an NYU alum, shares her thoughts and feelings […]
‘No genocide of ethnic minorities!’: Russian Kalmyks say Putin’s military draft is targeting them disproportionally
On Sept. 23, a group of Kalmyks — an Asian ethnic minority in Russia — called for the end of partial mobilization (military draft) in Russia, which was announced by Vladimir Putin two days prior. They claimed that the process targets the ethnic population in disproportionately large numbers. The protest took place outside of the […]