Can New Yorkers feel safe riding the subway now that New York is in Phase Two? Andrea Pineda-Salgado reports.
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The Coronavirus is Disproportionately Impacting Black People in New York
New York City is a ghost town. The empire state is the country’s epicenter for covid-19, the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2 (one of many coronaviruses), with a total of 335,000 infections as of May 9, according to Intelligencer. The Big Apple alone is enduring 178,776 cases, according to The City. Now, sidewalks once littered with pedestrians are barren in the […]
What to Consider When Social Distancing on Two Wheels
After months of stay-at-home orders, the much-awaited process of reopening has begun, and many world leaders hope to see their citizens don not only masks, but also bike helmets when they emerge back out on the streets. On May 6, Boris Johnson told Parliament that he hoped to see a “golden age of cycling” in […]
Children Protest for Black Lives Matter in NYC
New York City’s youngest raised their voice to protest against police brutality, Andrea Pineda-Salgado reports.
A Look Into the Lives of Essential Workers During COVID-19
A look into how essential workers in Kansas City are adapting to a “new normal” during the pandemic.
Swipe Up: The Life of Aspiring Social Influencers
A first-person account of how challenging it is to become a successful social media influencer. This documentary offers a glimpse into the lives of three social media influencers, and the filmmaker’s own attempt to grow the number of her Instagram followers.
Quarantine & its Effects on College education
When the Coronavirus crisis broke out worldwide in March 2020 and increasing amounts of countries issued widespread lockdowns, college students fled home to quarantine for the foreseeable future. Many students had to flee their cities of university and others had to put an education on hold. I interviewed college students from each continent to get […]
Churches in the Middle of COVID-19
During the COVID-19 pandemic, multiple countries have faced stay-at-home orders and shut downs of nonessential businesses as the entire world was put on pause in an attempt to flatten the curve. This video is a look inside one church’s story while they navigate new territory for both the congregation and staff in the midst of […]
Thailand’s Lodging Industry Shifts its Focus from International to Domestic Travelers Amidst the Pandemic
When Thailand’s government ordered hotels in more than half the country to close down on April 4, Airbnb host Chantip Pakvisal knew she had dodged a bullet. Pakvisal is the owner of four houses in Bangkok Noi, the old town part of Bangkok where many local attractions are. Currently, two people, one Brit and one […]
Dad Relearns Elementary Curriculum To Homeschool Daughters
Jorge Coello is juggling his job as a real estate agent with his new one as a homeschool teacher for his two daughters. Fifth-grader, Alyssa, and third-grader, Samantha, are also finding remote learning tough.