When Super Bowl watch parties in minuscule New York City studios just can’t cut it, many head to sports bars to get their football fix. In NYC, a hub for people searching to celebrate, these venues bring together friends and strangers alike. On either side of the island of Manhattan, however, East and West Village […]
The Other F-Word: How barre3 Founder Sadie Lincoln Redefined Fitness.
Sadie Lincoln’s first memories of moving her body involve what she refers to as “boogie parties.” “It was just all about celebrating our bodies and music together as a group. And it was all freestyle—just fun,” Lincoln said over Zoom as she described how her mother and four “aunties” would dance along to records. “Having […]
From the rec league to Fordham football: Trio builds on 14-year friendship
A little competition never hurt anyone. For some, it might even be the start of a lifelong friendship. Almost 15 years ago at North Gwinnett High School in Suwanee, Georgia, faculty members Tamika Barnes and Konata Perkins each brought their young sons to school. Meeting on the school’s track, Perkins posed a simple challenge for […]
The Politics of Sports Stadiums: Public vs. Private
Every sports fan in America wants a team to call their own. All around the country, home teams bring enthusiasm and pride to the cities they represent. Historically, these organizations have only expected one thing in return: a stadium. Once called “Modern Day Cathedrals”, stadiums are only becoming more elaborate and more expensive. Within the […]
The Moment the Astros Got Caught
A scene by scene portrait of the Astros’ fall from grace, and what the scandal says about Major League Baseball First, there was the Black Sox Scandal at the 1919 World Series. Then, athletes wielding cork bats and pine tar threatened the fairness of the sport. With incidents like the 1994 MLB Strike and baseball’s […]
Gender Inequalities in Professional Tennis: It’s a Man’s World
In the 2018 US Open, temperatures had climbed up to 95 degrees and Alizé Cornet and Johanna Larsson had just come back out onto the court after a 10-minute heat break. Cornet realized that her shirt was on backwards and it was obstructing her range of motion. She quickly pulled the pink and white striped […]
The WNBA’s History of Activism Has Been Overlooked
Is Gender The Reason? “The very act of being a female athlete is radical.”-Kavitha A. Davidson stated, a sports and society writer for the Athletic. In 1996, the WNBA was born. The league was established 47 years after the NBA. As the first professional sports league for women in the United States, the league has […]
The New Faces of NFL Cheerleading
In a line of pom poms extended toward the sky, a swinging towel suddenly breaks the uniformity of a sideline performance. Once a sea of short skirts and long hair, professional cheerleading is no longer one-size-fits-all. “I always thought to cheer in the NFL you had to be a woman. Tall, skinny, blonde hair, brown […]
During Ramadan, it’s midnight workouts and night shifts for college students
During the holy month of Ramadan, third-year student-athlete Rayhan Kandri wakes up everyday at 4:30 a.m. to have her suhoor, the meal consumed early morning before fasting begins. Regardless of whether she is in the mood or not, the Moroccan-born and Emirati-raised film student from New York University consumes over half a liter of water, […]
From Cap-Haitian to Queens – A Muay Thai Fighter’s Pursuit of Gold
After three rounds, Frantz Pierre did not have his hand raised. He was exhausted. The adrenaline rush which flavored each kick and punch in the first round had worn off. He cried. He even became physically ill. This was Pierre’s first amateur Muay Thai fight at a tournament in Fishkill, New York. Pierre said it […]