COVID has impacted the film industry with delays, cancellations, and shutdowns in 2020. Still, the fall festival season went forward — with Venice Film Festival in-person, Toronto virtual and New York (NYFF) a mixture of drive-in and virtual. That means Eric Kohn, the executive editor and chief critic at IndieWire, is as busy as ever […]
Post Archive
The Best Efforts to Adapt Still Leave Festivals and Filmmakers in Limbo
Amelia Moses was excited to have her first movie, “Bleed With Me,” premiere at Fantasia Film Festival, a Montreal-based genre festival, in July. Moses and the crew, who live in Montreal, were going to reunite with the Toronto-based cast for a special celebration of their work. It took two years for the 27-year-old and her […]
Running on fumes
What would you give up to be the best at your sport? Sleep, money, a social life? For many runners, the answer to that question is food. There is a common myth that the leanness of a runner’s body equates to the ability to run faster, which has promoted eating disorders within the running community. […]
Beating burnout and competition: tenacious 21 year old Equestrian Katherine Dash
It’s something most athletes struggle with: burnout. The decision to stick with a sport or try a new one or just quit sports can entirely define athletes. When Katherine Dash, a 21-year-old equestrian and 2024 Olympic hopeful, was planning on taking a gap year from school to compete, she was feeling burned out. She’s been […]
William Kim’s Journey to Korea: Discovering his origins and pursuing his dream
Just as William Hongsuk Kim stepped off the airplane platform to enter the passageway to Incheon Airport immigration, he knew immediately this was it. This was him taking a huge leap towards his childhood dream: representing South Korea as a soccer player. The flawless passageway, with the polished tiles and the clean glass that reflected […]
History of Filipinx Nursing Migration in the United States
In response to the disproportionate effects of the coronavirus on Filipinx and Filipinx-American nurses across America, Margaret Guzman traces the history of Filipinx nursing migration in the context of two health crises: the COVID-19 pandemic and the AIDS epidemic.
Winter Village at Bryant Park
Margaret Guzman and Lauren Gruber documents the 2020 Bank of America’s Winter Village at Bryant Park.
Pandemic and General 2020 Chaos Caused Increasing Participation in Wilderness Survival Courses
JACKSON, OHIO-The sheer multitude of roaring fires and rolling smoke adding to the haze of the chilly morning drizzle conjures up thoughts of a viking ceremony, but this was merely an early morning deliverable for the Pathfinder School’s basic survival course: get a self sustaining fire going within five minutes. The Ohio based school usually […]
More Than a Punter: The Inside Story of Citadel Football’s Swiss Army Knife
Depending on who you talk to, Matt Campbell is not Matt Campbell. To some teammates and coaches, he is ‘Matty Ice.’ To a few classmates, he is ‘Matt the Engineer.’ But those really close to Campbell know him by one name: ‘Matty Ice…Cream.’ The 6’1”, 227-pound junior Citadel punter is not overweight. Cheez-Its, not ice […]
Yoga and Mindfulness: Why combining them is crucial to improving mental health in stressful times
Alexandra Mathisen’s yoga practice looks a little different lately. After she finishes helping her daughter with homework, preparing a healthy dinner and writing new posts for her wellness blog, “A Rainbow a Day,” Mathisen teaches outdoor, socially-distanced yoga to the local population of Clark, Colorado. She unfolds her mat, spritzes lavender essential oil on her […]