Miscelanea NY – the now closed shop-and-eat stop in the East Village – was a cozy location to find Mexican products and an elevated street-style kitchen. Talking to the staff members in Spanish as I usually did while I ordered a torta, I noticed a lady, non-staff, stacking cans on one of the shelves. Chapulines. […]
Post Archive
NYU Student Creates Anti-Harassment Movement
When Sophie Sandberg started @catcallsofnyc as an NYU freshman, she never thought that it’d become one of the most influential anti-harassment accounts, and that it’d initiate a global movement.
Janet Kalish, Fighting Food Waste in NYC One Dumpster-Dive at a Time
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure… or groceries. About 3.9 million tons of New York food makes its way into landfills each year. Some people, like Janet Kalish, have made it their mission to fight food waste by scavenging through garbage left on the curb.
Julia Knox, the East Village Hatter Extraordinaire
When she was only six years old, Julia Knox started her own Barbie fashion company. Today, she’s still working in fashion and runs East Village Hats, a tiny store in NYC that does everything hat-related.
Odd Jobs: Professional Cuddler
In one of her sessions, professional cuddler Ella Amorim discusses how cuddling became her full-time job.
Odd Job: David’s Shoe and Watch Repair
David Solovyov has been fixing clocks and watches in Lower Manhattan for 37 years. David is one of the few repairmen left in the city since smartphones took over the watch industry. David’s shop is like a time machine to the Manhattan of the 1900s.
Laughing Yourself to Happiness: Inside a Laughter Yoga Class
Yoga with no poses, stretching or exercise? Laughter yoga is a relatively new concept of yoga where participants go to a class to laugh. No jokes are told, no one performs comedy, the goal is to simply laugh. As weird as it sounds, many yoga studios and groups in New York City are offering classes […]
Queer World View – Experiences of People From Countries Where Homosexuality Is Prohibited
Same-sex acts between two consenting adults are illegal in 70 UN member states. In other countries, laws prohibit discussion of LGBTQ+ rights or leave LGBTQ+ people unprotected from discrimination and violence. It is difficult to gauge just how many LGBTQ+ identifying people live in these areas (note: a 2016 Gallup poll found that 4.1% of […]
Deepfakes: The Funny, Strange and Dangerous World of AI-Assisted Face Swap Videos
In the past few years, tens of thousands of videos featuring one person’s face on someone else’s body have appeared on the internet. These “deepfake” videos are made using software that uses artificial intelligence to learn how to place one face on another body. Instagram user, Myster Giraffe, who has made some of the most […]
Homelessness in NYC Reaches Highest Level Since Great Depression
New York City’s homeless population has been growing exponentially in the last five years. The city has reached its highest levels of homelessness since the Great Depression. Many government agencies and nonprofit organizations work tirelessly to provide adequate shelter, healthcare, and nourishment to those in need. The system is not perfect. Yet it’s only through […]