On Sept. 11, 2001, Yukako Satone stepped out of her house to take her daughter to school. When she opened her front door in Jersey City, she was greeted by the view of the twin towers in flames. After witnessing this terror attack from so close by, she decided to move further from the city […]
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The new business of baseball in Venezuela
At 6-2, Venezuelan pitcher Jesus Gomez has the swagger that has become the trademark of many of today’s Latino ballplayers. His closely trimmed goatee goes perfectly with his closely trimmed fade, and the gold chain around his neck adds to the picture of a man that would not seem out of place alongside fellow countrymen […]
Track coach Beverly Kearney uses experience with adversity to help others conquer mental hurdles
“The only thing I remember is waking up on the side of the road.” Seven-time NCAA track and field title winner Coach Beverly Kearney was involved in a semi-fatal car accident on Dec. 26, 2002. The crash threw Kearney 50 feet from the vehicle, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. After undergoing two five-hour […]
Chanting “Women, life, freedom,” protesters in New York City demand regime change in Iran
On September 13, 2022, the Iranian Morality Police arrested 22-year-old Mahsa Amini for wearing her hijab incorrectly. Three days later, she was dead. Protests erupted across the globe. One of the largest demonstrations in the U.S. took place in New York City on November 19, 2022, when thousands from the Iranian-American diaspora marched from Times […]
Anime NYC expands: more choice for fans, less profit for vendors
The second biggest national anime convention returned to New York City for another year. More than 50,000 attendees visited Javits Center on November 18-20 to connect with fellow anime fans and purchase exclusive souvenirs from 334 vendors. But despite the prestige of the event, making a profit proved challenging for some returning vendors due to […]
Unions make headway for adjunct professor pay parity after decades of exploitation
NEW YORK – On a cold Saturday before Thanksgiving, the New School campus lit up Fifth Avenue like a festive ornament. Gaudy, out of place and yet oddly inviting, the private liberal arts school glittered in the waning daylight. Inside, figures gathered while putting on coats and slowly heading outdoors after enjoying one of the […]
New Mexico Comes to New York: How The Misrepresented Cuisine is Getting Its Time In The Spotlight
When Covid hit in 2020, many New Yorkers found themselves stuck in a locked-down city, searching for comfort — Melissa Klein, John Watterberg, and Eric See included. After some thought, See and Watterberg, both Albuquerque natives, looked to fill that void with hometown comfort food, like smothered green chile chicken enchiladas. However, being roughly 2,000 […]
Debate over the continued use of streetside dining sheds heats up
Amid shifting attitudes to the Covid-19 virus, New York City residents are increasingly labeling many relics of pandemic-era lockdowns obsolete. Streetside dining – once a popular method to preserve both restaurant business and socially-deprived residents – has recently joined the relegated ranks of KN95 masks and Clorox wipes. Policymakers responded to initial positive feedback on […]
VIDEO DISCOVERY: Rebooting NYU Stern Rugby
Since its establishment in 1996, NYU Stern Rugby has served as a club for enthusiasts, offering rugby to the NYU community, alumni, and even beyond, all within a university that doesn’t place a strong emphasis on sports and in a city not traditionally associated with rugby. However, the club faced abandonment due to the pandemic’s […]
Lost in translation: The bilingual street signs in Chinatown
The signs are clear — Chinatown is struggling. For decades, the street signs in Manhattan’s Chinatown have featured both English and Chinese street names. Now, the number of bilingual street signs are shrinking as the neighborhood becomes increasingly gentrified. In this video, Chloe Chan, the co-founder of Mott Street Girls, and Wellington Chan, the executive […]