By Calen Razor This piece takes a look at the experience for many Black queer people inside Black barbershops.
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Covid Babies
The birth of a child has always been extremely consuming for the parents, not to mention going into labor amid a global pandemic. What are the concerns parents had for their infants growing up under quarantine? This piece explores how the lockdown has physically and mentally influenced both parents and their babies.
The Blk Tent
Fashionable expression has long been a staple in the Black American community. More than just clothing, the importance of dress in this community stems from a history of restriction – restriction of education, self-expression, cultural ties, and humanity itself. Camp, as defined by Susan Sontag (1964), is exactly the opposite of restriction. It is dually […]
The Moment the Astros Got Caught
A scene by scene portrait of the Astros’ fall from grace, and what the scandal says about Major League Baseball First, there was the Black Sox Scandal at the 1919 World Series. Then, athletes wielding cork bats and pine tar threatened the fairness of the sport. With incidents like the 1994 MLB Strike and baseball’s […]
Legalized Marijuana Has Arrived In New York, Many Awaiting New Rules
New York officials have yet to roll out fresh regulations now that the state has joined more than a dozen others that have legalized marijuana and cannabis to help boost revenue. Andrew Rosner, the co-founder of HR Botanicals, a small farm located in Sullivan county New York that grows a species of marijuana known as […]
COVID Has Upended the Creative Industry. Here’s How It’s Also Changing Our Perception of Art.
What’s so special about pixels? These squares of color are miniscule — at 0.26 mm, they’re about the same thickness as standard cardstock — and put together into grids, they form digital images or displays on phones, computers, tablets, and the multitudes of other devices we use on a daily basis. We consume millions day […]
NYC Street Artists Mix Art and Activism
The summer of 2020 changed Andrea Acevedo’s art. The murder of George Floyd stirred something deep within her – standing amongst a crowd of hundreds of protesters in New York City, defending Black lives, surrounded by people dedicated to equality and the liberation of all oppressed people, she asked herself, “How can I help?” And […]
Gender Inequalities in Professional Tennis: It’s a Man’s World
In the 2018 US Open, temperatures had climbed up to 95 degrees and Alizé Cornet and Johanna Larsson had just come back out onto the court after a 10-minute heat break. Cornet realized that her shirt was on backwards and it was obstructing her range of motion. She quickly pulled the pink and white striped […]
The WNBA’s History of Activism Has Been Overlooked
Is Gender The Reason? “The very act of being a female athlete is radical.”-Kavitha A. Davidson stated, a sports and society writer for the Athletic. In 1996, the WNBA was born. The league was established 47 years after the NBA. As the first professional sports league for women in the United States, the league has […]
The New Faces of NFL Cheerleading
In a line of pom poms extended toward the sky, a swinging towel suddenly breaks the uniformity of a sideline performance. Once a sea of short skirts and long hair, professional cheerleading is no longer one-size-fits-all. “I always thought to cheer in the NFL you had to be a woman. Tall, skinny, blonde hair, brown […]