NYU students of color are struggling months after the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd and having to face head on the cries of racial injustice that are sweeping the country and the backlash. Sonali Burns, a junior, said that the heaviness of the murders didn’t impact her at first because she […]
Social Justice
Black Lives Matter: Children’s Protest
New York City’s youngest raised their voice to protest against police brutality, Andrea Pineda-Salgado reports.
The Coronavirus is Disproportionately Impacting Black People in New York
New York City is a ghost town. The empire state is the country’s epicenter for covid-19, the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2 (one of many coronaviruses), with a total of 335,000 infections as of May 9, according to Intelligencer. The Big Apple alone is enduring 178,776 cases, according to The City. Now, sidewalks once littered with pedestrians are barren in the […]
Children Protest for Black Lives Matter in NYC
New York City’s youngest raised their voice to protest against police brutality, Andrea Pineda-Salgado reports.
Queer World View – Experiences of People From Countries Where Homosexuality Is Prohibited
Same-sex acts between two consenting adults are illegal in 70 UN member states. In other countries, laws prohibit discussion of LGBTQ+ rights or leave LGBTQ+ people unprotected from discrimination and violence. It is difficult to gauge just how many LGBTQ+ identifying people live in these areas (note: a 2016 Gallup poll found that 4.1% of […]
Chasing a Ghost: A Profile on the Elusive Carlos Alvarez Nazareno and the Invisibilized Afro Community in Buenos Aires
A conductor of sorts, Carlos Álvarez Nazareno in action is a sight to see. The manner in which he draws attention from a crowd is so skillful it can only be likened to that of a professional performer, yet so dispositional, the attention can’t help but be followed by respect. His way of speaking is […]
Dreadlocks in Buenos Aires: Fashion or Faith?
Nicolás Parodi speaks in a manner of brisk assurance, his voice bursting through the phone in a succession of crisp quips, despite the torrent of honks and footsteps emanating from the city he paces through. The clarity of his speech, a Castellano that is deep, smooth, and patient, in contrast to the city noise, is […]