Made By: Calen Razor, Bry LeBerthon, Nathan Chizen, and Elizabeth Marquis This story covers the rise in hate crimes against Asians following the pandemic, looking through the lens of New Yorkers.
Post Archive
New York Legalizes Marijuana
On March 31, 2021, New York legalized the use of recreational marijuana. See what people in NYC’s Washington Square Park think about the new legislation. By Laura Beard, Rachel Fadem, Jack Gordon, and Kiana Turner
A Long Intermission for New York Actors May Not Be Over Just Yet
New York City’s actors have been on a year long intermission and consensus holds that this summer promises more of the same. After a year defined by dark stages and unemployed actors, a handful of New York City theaters have announced goals to reopen this summer. Among them is the Public Theater, which plans to […]
Usefulness Of The Useless
“Nothing beautiful is indispensable to life.” – Theophile Gautier, Mademoiselle de Maupin. On the 21st of May 2005, David Foster Wallace, an American novelist, gave a speech to graduate students at Kenyon College. “There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way,” said Wallace, […]
Dianne Morales’ Community-Based Approach to Defunding the Police
For New York City Mayoral candidate, Dianne Morales, calls to “Defund the Police” is more than just a slogan — it’s her campaign promise to the city. Morales, former counsel to Mayor Bill de Blasio, has laid out a multi-prong platform to reform how the city approaches policing in the city. “We’ve got to move […]
Having Friends On The Other Side
“Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.” ― Frank Herbert, Dune “I always wanted to do a full psychic reading cause I was curious,” says Emilie Lonkvist, 21, a Media Culture Communication student at Steinhardt. “So […]
Do Mi Sol Dooo
“We have created a civilization with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology.” – Edward O. Wilson, The Social Conquest Of Earth. Ron White, author of How Computers Work, compares their history to mutation and natural selection that carry organic species to new shores. Each step in their evolutionary maze is the innovators’ response […]
From Cap-Haitian to Queens – A Muay Thai Fighter’s Pursuit of Gold
After three rounds, Frantz Pierre did not have his hand raised. He was exhausted. The adrenaline rush which flavored each kick and punch in the first round had worn off. He cried. He even became physically ill. This was Pierre’s first amateur Muay Thai fight at a tournament in Fishkill, New York. Pierre said it […]
How the Planet is Affected By the Covid-19 Pandemic
It’s no secret that landfills and oceans have long been overrun with single-use plastic and manmade pollution. So with March 13 marking one year since Covid-19 shut down New York City, it’s worth considering just how much damage the pandemic has caused, not only to us but also to our planet. As it turns out, […]
Sports in Boston: racism, wrongful accusations, and a renewed hope
Boston is anything but a sports backwater. Since 2000, the city has had more playoff wins than any other city or region in North America. As far as championship wins go, Boston boasts 12 in 20 years between the Celtics, Red Sox, Patriots, and Bruins. These franchises have produced legendary dynasties, cementing Boston’s position at […]